Analisis Hygiene Sanitasi Makanan Di Pesantren X Kecamatan Lirik Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu
Hygiene, Sanitasi, Makanan, Pesantren, KeracunanAbstract
Food sanitation hygiene is an effort to control factors in food, people, places and equipment that can or may cause disease or health problems. The impact of food that is not hygienic can cause health problems such as abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and even food poisoning. At the location of this research, poisoning occurred in 2017, for this reason this research was carried out to prevent it from happening again. This study aims to analyze food hygiene and sanitation at Pondok Pesantren X, Lirik District, Indragiri Hulu Regency, using qualitative methods and a descriptive research design, with in-depth interviews and observations. There were 6 informants in this study, as well as 6 variables. The research results show that the selection of food ingredients is in accordance with standards. For food processing and storage it is still not in accordance with Minister of Health Regulation Number 1096 of 2011, this is because when food processing is carried out, there are lots of flies in the processing area, closed bins are not provided, the cooking room tends to be dark, and the food storage area has holes. Kitchen equipment and food handlers also still do not meet the standards that have been set. The conclusion is that there are 3 variables (selection of ingredients, serving of food, equipment) that have met the standards set by Permenkes Number 1096 of 2011 Concerning Jasaboga Sanitation Hygiene. It is best for Islamic boarding schools and other categories of catering services to follow the regulations that have been set as standards.